use all lower case letters.

//for all text in public facing mediums utilize only lowercase letters.
//the reason of this is to add a level of artistry to even the simple things such as text on our website, screens, emails, etc. it is also akin to the use of text as a utilitarian tool in mediums such as texting.
//this includes but is not limited to, names, cities, first letters of sentences, other proper nouns, and more.
//the exceptions are as follows

//in the use of holy names, Bible, Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, etc.
//in full paragraphs of four sentences or more, as to not impede the readability of the text.

use “+” instead of “&” or “and”.

//for all text in public facing mediums utilize the plus sign (+) instead of using the ampersand (&) or the word and. especially so in headlines, singular lines or text, or short two/three sentence paragraphs.
//the reason behind this is to add a modernity to our text.
//the exceptions are as follows

//in full paragraphs of four sentences or more.
//but only use “and”, and never use the ampersand (&) in it’s place

use “//” for bullet points.

//for all text in public facing mediums, when you are making lists, use two slashes “//” instead of using your standard bullet points “•” or dashes “-”.
//the reason behind this is to simply add a freshness to something that has become fairly standardized.

envisioning process.

//when someone new begins to partner with a creative area at the refuge they will start with being envisioned by going through this branding book, some of the inspiration accounts, and also by going through our leadership anchors.
//the next step is having this creative go through a probationary period of walking their designs through the person over their area. this is just so that we can help the individual fully grasp the visual vision of the refuge.
//after this process they are encouraged to take their area and fly with it.